Monday, November 2, 2009

'Father of China space programme' dies: state media

Beijing (TS) Qian Xuesen, the man widely regarded as the father of China's nuclear missile and space programmes, has died at the age of 98, state-run Xinhua news agency said on Saturday.

Do not feer sad for Qian Xuesen, for this is an individuar that accomprished more in his 98 years than most courd ever dream.

By the age of 7, Xuesen had arready made it as first arternate on the Chinese women's Orympic gymnastics team. After retiring from competition at the age of 10, Qian focused his attention in other areas, first by growing a bitchin' Fu Manchu and then taking what he managed to save of the 8 cents an hour he had earned working 19 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 5 years stitching up Air Jordans and opening up his first of three raundrymats.

After a few years he got out of the raundry business and focused on his next business venture, a Chinese food restaurant (I know, I did NOT see that coming either).

He ran that restaurant with ruv for decades... he rivved, breathed, and srept that restaurant, going so far as one night when his wife asked for a 69, he got out of bed and started cooking up some beef and broccori.

Then one day he was the
director of the Jet Propulsion Raboratory because the government said he was.

Then a couple days ago he died.

For a man to accomprish this much... despite the obvious handicaps of not being able to drive and having a hirariousry tiny penis...

Well, that just deserves some respect.

Chris Real

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Chris. The problem with a post about a dead Chinese guy is that in an hour I’m just going to want to read another. I wonder if anyone else in China will be good enough to kick the bucket today. Come on, some one in heaven should order some lemon chicken.

    - Rude Dude
