Monday, November 16, 2009

After helping family escape fire, Queens man dies retrieving his cell phone

QUEENS, NY (TS) -- A 75-year-old man helped his family escape his burning Queens home early Monday - but died after running back into the house for his cell phone, witnesses and FDNY sources said.

Sooooooo... Anyone out there still not believe in Darwin?
(Yes I know Mrs. Palin - shut the fuck up please - actually, the fact that YOU'VE survived might just shoot Darwin's theory to bits)

Now, yes the dead dude, Nathaniel Lagree was an idiot, but I really think the story here is how big a jerk his grandson was for calling him right after he saved his life to thank him.

I know making light of a dead old man that saved his entire family might not get good reception... reception... RECEPTION, MIGHT NOT GET GOOD RECEPTION, can you hear me now? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

Well, I guess it's time for another AreWeTooSoon? PSA:

If you catch on fire remember to stop, drop, and roll over minutes aren't NEAR as important as you might think.

Nathaniel Lagree - I don't think your brain had enough bars my friend.

Chris Real

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