Monday, October 26, 2009

Mother, 51, charged with murder of autistic son, 15

Mississauga, ON (TS) -- A 51-year-old mother was charged yesterday in the death of her 15-year-old autistic son, whose body was found in a Mississauga hotel room.

Now this story is just mental. To try to find any humour in it just seems retarded.

Police allege the murder occurred sometime between late on Saturday night and early yesterday morning, and mother Seow Cheng Sim (Well now this is just getting ridicurous) faces charges of first-degree murder in the death of her son, Tony Khor. (Known better to his friends as "Khor-ky")

It would seem the mother just got sick of her son constantly going on and on about The People's Court and how he couldn't miss Wapner.

Although autistic, and like, dead, Mississauga education officials are requesting Tony not be buried, as he is still that city's best shot at bringing up their standardized testing scores.

Tony reportedly could count all the way up to potato.

The true tragedy in all this, is we will never know now, if he'd been allowed to flourish, just how good he might have gotten at sorting bottles... perhaps he may have been one of the very great ones. Or, I suppose he might've been a huge failure at it, and been fired, and had to work the rest of his life at Zellers.

Maybe this is for the best.

Chris Real

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