Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Canada's Oldest Resident Dies... and more!!!!

As we sit back and reflect on this October 21st, 2009, we must all give thanks... for the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the soons we too...

Here's what went... er, I mean, here's who went down today.

Just... wow. We here at AreWeTooSoon? can't help but feel a tad humbled with this one. Our site has only been up for a couple days, and already we are seeing copy-cat "Too Soon" deaths.

Just yesterday we told you about Waseeq Shahid, the 15 year old Kentucky basketball player that hit nutin' but dirt at practice.

I guess word is spreading that he got some publicity, because last night 18 year old high school football player Erick Gutierrez of Buena Vista, Georgia took practicing for sudden death overtime a bit too far and collapsed and died right on the field. Despite a valiant effort from his head coach, who bravely told the young man to "walk it off", Erick had already found the end zone. Now, he'll be going the whole two yards... down.

Erick's parents immediately sunk into a deep depression after hearing the news... the news that engraving on a headstone is charged by the letter, making them forever regret putting that fucking stupid "k" at the end of his first name.

It's so hard for me to not make a worm joke here, as the obituary that describes all of this woman's life accomplishments is shorter than the sentence you are currently reading but...

I guess just the facts. Santa Cruz's first female mayor died today at 72. A woman that had survived earthquakes and wildfires died of melanoma. The worst Mother Nature could throw at her she overcame, but the 5 sessions for 50 dollars special at Tan-tastics in Palm Desert was just too much. Also she... um... she... well... you see... dammit that's IT. How Wallace Baine from the Santa Cruz Sentinel squeezed 300 words out on this topic I'll never know.

As if anyone ever really LIVES in Moncton anyway.

Her name was Margaret Fitzgerald, and she passed away yesterday at the tender (literally, not figuratively) age of 113.

She is survived by only one known relative. (relatives tend to make themselves scarce around the 105 year mark, as it's all but certain any inheritance has already gone out the window on luxury items like blankets and oxygen tanks) That relative is 90 year old Reg King. You can read more about him on this very site, verrrrrrrrry soon.

The linked article details Reg's account of Maragret's early years, but if you've ever been to a funeral for someone 80 or older, save your time and just remember that eulogy. She worked hard blah blah blah and always had a smile on her face blah blah blah and loved telling stories about the old times blah blah blah...

Margaret was raised on a farm (obviously, as all of Canada was a farm in 1834) and later in life became a dental assistant and married her boss. Back then I guess that was romantic, today that's a trip to the HR dep't.

From the article:
King said longevity runs in his family, but he credited his aunt's record-breaking age to a clean and sober lifestyle.
"I never heard tell of her smoking or drinking liquor, and that probably had a lot to do with her health," he said.

That's right, Canada's former oldest person... was an uncool wuss. She still got a way longer obit than the former mayor of Santa Cruz though, so that's something.

That is all for tonight... sleep well friends... just not as well as these three.

Chris Real

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