Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"New" Michael Jackson Music To Be Released

It has been reported that a handful of unreleased Michael Jackson songs will be released in conjunction with the upcoming This Is It movie, which hits theatres October 28. Along with the title track, The King of Pop reinterprets a classic Elton John song. The end result is the very poignant track "Please Let Your Son Go Down On Me."

-JJ Ramone

1 comment:

  1. Chris Real says:

    Please, PLEASE let this be it.

    Fuck Michael Jackson (not you Timmy... no, not you either Junior... you are safe now).

    This topic's been beaten so hard it's going to start dating Chris Brown. (Hey I just used the word brown in an MJ post... bet it's been awhile)

    Personally, I don't think he's dead... so this isn't "too soon" observation, it's proactive observation. I think he faked his death and was flown to a deserted island pre-stocked with enough 10 year old boys to choke a Catholic priest.

    If he DID die, at least he didn't go to Heaven... can you imagine God walking in on Michael Jackson making Baby Jesus touch his hoo-ha?
