Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Coyotes Ate My Folk-Singer

***Spoiler alert***

If you haven’t already, I strongly urge you to read the post below, “When Coyotes Attack Folk Singers” before reading this post. It’s way funnier that way.

I’m going to dog pile on this topic not unlike how a pack of coyotes might maul a screaming 19 year old girl. Strangely, a very similar situation comes up way too often at AreWeTooSoon staff parties. Regardless, when the cosmos is good enough to throw me a Too Soon bone covered with teeth marks, I’m going to take full advantage and launch into my inaugural post.

A pack of coyotes kill a folk singer, huh? Nature abhors a vacuum but apparently nature also hates crappy music. Am I the only one who suddenly feels a profound sense of hope? If the very beasts of the Earth are willing to rise up and take action against Taylor Mitchell, the biggest name in Canadian folk music, then maybe Mother Nature plans on doing some more musical house keeping. Maybe a tornado will take out Jay Ferguson or an earthquake could claim Jacob Hoggard. At the very least, Mother Nature could leave a bear on Chad Kroeger’s front lawn.

It appears I’ve gotten a little off topic. I do have to commend Taylor’s commitment to her craft. As of this writing, according to her MySpace page, she hasn’t cancelled any tour dates. In case you didn’t know, Taylor was on a tour to promote her new album “For Your Consideration”. Though the album was still relatively new, sources close to the singer say she was nearing completion of her second album “Here Little Doggie”. There is no word if this album will be released posthumously.

- Rude Dude

1 comment:

  1. this coyote attack is especially strange to me since I've lived around coyotes my whole life without any issues (in AZ) - they seem to be afraid of people
