Monday, October 19, 2009

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to Too Soon! We want to share our humour with the world and offend the masses one person at a time. However, keep in mind that we are non-discriminatory offenders: we make fun of everyone equally. We will tell jokes about all sorts of people, whether they are black, white, straight, gay, hermaphrodites, midgets, Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Atheist, jocks, stoners, yuppies, left wing, right wing, dead or alive. We will even joke about ourselves.

In our humble, but correct, opinion there is no topic that is not subject to be laughed at. We live in a pretty brutal, messed up world so humour is the easiest way to cope. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Theoretically, no one should be able to laugh after horrific events like the Holocaust or 9/11 or after we lose loved ones. However, if this was the case then our world would be pretty bleak and conversation at the bar, pub, coffee shop or water cooler would subsequently be pretty damned boring. And we HATE boring.

So feel free to peruse our site at will.

And feel free to laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Chris Real says:

    Oh and laugh we will... and take some heat we will as well. What people would be well served to do is understand, once an event/occurance goes down, Superman in not going to reverse time to make it never happen... and an individual's empathy, guilt, or tears aren't gonna do it either.

    The world is a motherfucker... we gotta do what we can to get through it... and laughter is a very strong magic potion to aid in this.
    So... allow me to introduce myself... I hope the other guys do the same as they start posting.

    The name is Chris Real.
    I'm a picker, a grinner, a luster, a sinner... and really frigging GREAT at all of them.

    My favourite classic "Too Soon" topics are Princess Diana (she died from Car-Pole-Tunnel syndrome), Kurt Cobain (that guy, always shooting his mouth off), and Freddie Mercury (jokes too numerous to put one in brackets).

    My earliest smart-ass moment was at X-mas dinner when I was 8... By the time the turkey came around all the dark meat was gone, and I was whining until my Gramps said, "I once complained I had no shoes, until i met a man who had no feet."
    Deep, poignant, and thought provoking... but at the time I looked at Gramps and said, "Well, I bet THAT guy would have a pair of shoes he wasn't using."

    My best work... is yet to come... you will find it here. Rawk.

    /Chris Real introduction
