Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5th, 2009 - The Day In Death That Was...

Good evening Too Soonsters,

It seems like today would be a good day for a recap of all that's gone on in our world recently.

So, let's just get into it... here's what's making deadlines in the headlines today:

1 - Thomas P. O'Malley dies at 79; former president of Loyola Marymount University

I met him at a college in Boston Mass
Where I never was a student 'cuz I forgot to enroll-a
The School was called Marymount U
Mount You that's funny but not as funny as Loyola
Lo lo lo Loyola
Lo lo lo Loyola

Anyway, buddy died of a heart attack... moving on...

2 - Brother Blue, a Cambridge icon, dies at 88

Brother Blue... He Need-ED de MON-ey OH!
Wow... not a good day to be a former New England collegian.
His birth name was Hugh Morgan Hill - his death name was not so fortunate.
The rest of the article about him is a total "TLDR", besides, there's obviously more important things to get to. Anyway, buddy "died in his Cambridge home after a brief illness"... moving on...

3 - Club Posh shooting victim dies

Twenty-nine year old John Singleton was shot at the popular Denver club Posh Sunday and died today.
The only thing really notable about this, Mr. Singleton was in fact NOT a member of the Broncos.
Anyway, buddy died of a bullet wound... I assume... moving on...

4 - Naples man dies in jump from train

The body of Dustin Dodge, 25, was found alongside the railroad tracks south of the city at about 5 a.m., after it was spotted by BNSF Railway personnel.
Ashes to ashes, Dustin to dust. Anyway, buddy died so he wouldn't have to read a horrible pun made by me... good call... moving on...

5 -


5 -

Dammit, that's really all that happened today... pretty weak crop, sorry all.

Tomorrow, hopefully will be a better day in the world of death and Killeen... er I mean killing... Jeebus where did THAT come from????

Chris Real

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